Friday, October 23, 2009


Today on the 24 of October we had to make Ginger Beer. All I had to do is squeeze the lemons and write 24/10/09 on about ten wine bottles. One thing that you have to be careful about is the fact that you have to open the bottle with out having your eye over the bottle lid. Because if you do have your eye over it and you open the bottle it might burst out into your eye. Before I started writing on the bottles we had to put a raisin in each bottle. We had to do this because when the raisin is floating on the top of the ginger beer that is when it is ready. The bottles are all sitting in the bath tub and we are hoping that they do not explode! Mum named them sunflower. This is the name of the batch. They are called sunflower as it is almost summer and this is mums favourite flower. Have you guys ever made ginger beer?

Thursday, October 22, 2009


On Monday the 19 of October I had to do a forty five minute test about Algebra. During this test we had no idea what half the stuff meant which made it a lot more difficult. The hardest part of the test would have to be the whole n+3-x thing. One thing that made it easier was that my brother Corry. He taught me it when I was in year six which was really good. After the forty five minute test the teacher handed out our test and my results were AWESOME!!!!! Over all, I got 4a /surface 5p /depth 4a and Algebra 4a. The average of the test was 1600 and mine was about 1825 which is advanced!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


These holidays have been awesome!! Why?Because me and my family have gone SKIING!!! The first day we went skiing was on Sunday 27 of September. The weather was absolutely beautiful, it was so sunny and there was blue sky and no clouds in sight. That day was the best day to go skiing on Whakapapa because the rest of the week was so crap. On that day I went to the Waterfall Express for the first time. It was awesome me and my brother went down it so fast. One thing that I enjoyed about that was that me and my brother Corry were racing right down to the bottom. Me and Corry were doing heaps of jumps and tricks like 360's and things like that. At the end of the race I won because Corry fell over and I past him. Out of the whole week we only went skiing twice and on the last day we went skiing at Turoa my mom fell over and buggered her knee for the second time this season.

Monday, September 21, 2009


YYEEEEAAAAA!!!!!! I'm going to Wellington on Thursday and its going to be awesome. One good thing is that I get to miss one day of school and go down to Wellington YYYYEEEEAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! On Friday we're going to head up to Mount Turoa and go skiing. Were going skiing for one week and then we might go back to Wellington YYYYEEEEEAAAAA!!!!!!!! And hopefully when I get back from WELLINGTON!!!!!! I have enough money to buy an Ipod Nano. Or the price goes down.


The big game. I've got one massive game one Tuesday 22 September 2009. What were doing is playing all these other schools around Auckland. Were going to be playing rugby league and hopefully we make it into the finals YYYEEEEAAAA!!!!!!! I don't know the rules for rugby league but i know all the rules for rugby, so that's pretty good. This is my first time on this blog and don't know the complete process of this so don't judge. hopefully when I get back from the Holiday's i have enough money to buy an Ipod nano, that would be AWESOME!!!!!